209 research outputs found

    Penyimpanan Karbon dalam Ekosistim Hutan sebagai Dasar Perhitungan Karbon Bumi

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    Penyimpanan karbon adalah salah satu pilihan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi karbon di atmosfir, tetapi penggunaannya dalam mengimbangi sebuah pasar disulitkan oleh penyimpanan karbon alami yang sementara dan resiko digabung dengan harga emisi karbon. Sektor kehutanan mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengurangi konsentrasi gas rumah kaca di atmosfir yaitu dengan mengurangi aktivitas-aktivitas, seperti: afforestrasi, reklamasi lahan pertambangan, perbaikan hutan, agroforestri, manajemen hutan termasuk memilih jenis yang rotasi pendek, perlindungan hutan, produksi kayu, dan hutan kota. Untuk memenuhi syarat pendaftaran, laporan pengurangan karbon harus menggunakan cara dan menemukan standar sebagai sebuah pedoman. Sekarang kehutanan mempunyai tantangan dan peluang yang khas disebabkan oleh keanekaragaman sumber daya dan aktivitas, keanekaragaman praktek yang dapat mempengaruhi gas rumah kaca, tahun ke tahun berubah dalam emisi dan penyimpanan carbon, pengaruh aktivitas pada sekumpulan karbon hutan berbeda, dan perhitungan pengaruh-pengaruh gangguan alam. Untuk membuat data dasar kredibel dan Perubahan-Perubahan jalan dalam penyimpanan karbon perlu mengetahui indikator-indikator untuk menghitung dan mengontrol keseimbangan karbon. Indikator-indikator perhitungan karbon yang berdasarkan penyimpanan karbon dalam ekosistem hutan digunakan sebagai dasar untuk perhitungan karbon bumi, yaitu atmosfir (top-down) dan lahan (bottom-up) yang menyeluruh dan terpadu

    The Importance of Microfinance for Development of MSMEs in ASEAN: Evidence From Indonesia

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    Despite studies on microfinance (MF) or development of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Asia developing countries, including countries as member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN), are growing, not so much attention have been given to the role of MF in financing micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Based on a key literature study and analysis of secondary/national data, the main aim of this study is to fill this gap. It shows that in many ASEAN member states (AMS) MF has developed to some significant degree, although the rate of growth (e.g. number of MFIs, number of depositors and debtors, total loans allocated, etc.) as well as the market structure of MF vary across member states. From the Indonesian case this study comes with two most interesting facts. First, majority of MSMEs do not have access to credit from banks and/or other formal non-bank financial institutions. Second, MF services or MFIs are growing fast, and the most popular MF program so far is Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR), or people business credit (i.e. a credit scheme without collateral), introduced during the SBY period

    Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Their Constraints: A Story from Indonesia

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    Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to discuss recent development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and their current problems in Indonesia, based on analysis of secondary data on their performance focusing on their contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) and productivity, and their constraints. It shows that their GDP share is larger than that of large enterprises (LEs). But it is mainly because their number is huge, while their productivity is low. Their main constraints are mainly high cost of raw materials, marketing difficulties, and lack of capital. Abstrak: Tujuan utama tulisan ini adalah untuk membahas perkembangan terakhir dari usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia dan masalah-masalah saat ini yang dialami oleh kelompok usaha tersebut. Pembahasannya didasarkan pada analisis data sekunder mengenai kinerjanya dengan memfokuskan pada kontribusinya terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) dan produktivitas serta kendala-kendalanya. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa pangsa PDB dari UMKM lebih besar dbandingkan dari usaha besar (UB), tetapi hal itu lebih disebabkan oleh jumlah UMKM yang sangat banyak, sedangkan produktivitasnya rendah. Kendala-kendala utamanya adalah mahalnya bahan baku, kesulitan pemasaran, dan keterbatasan modal

    The Capital Structure of Venture Capital Firms in Indonesia

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    Venture capital (VC) is an important fund source for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start up, particularly to deliver its main product of equity participation. Therefore, capital structure and factors that affect it are very crucial. This study aims to analyze the capital structure of VC firms in Indonesia using econometric model of panel data regression. This study utilizes secondary data of six years period (2009-2014) monthly financial statements of 27 samples out of 58 VC firms to form 1,944 observations. The study reveals that capital structure of VC firms in Indonesia is dominated by debt/loan rather than capital with DER on average is 136.95%. In addition, the research confirms that VC firms\u27 capital structure is affected simultaneously by financial aspects which are asset size, profitability, liquidity, asset/investment quality, and earning asset structure. The attentions to financial aspects that affect the VC firms\u27 capital structure as well as other initiatives related to capital increases are necessary so that the VC firms could carry out its role effectively
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